Posts tagged hatch gal
20 Weeks

Twenty weeks and we’re half way there! 
It feels like it was just last week that we found out the unbelievable news; it’s going by so quickly this time, and yet there’s still so far to go. I forgot you’re basically pregnant for a year.

I didn’t have Lilies and Lambs when I was pregnant with MM, and as a result I didn’t document really any part of those nine months- in pictures or words. So there’s little in terms of physical memories of that part of our journey. 

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4 Beauty Products I've Been Loving

When I first became pregnant with Maddie I remember heading to the bookstore and stocking up on all the pregnancy books.

It was in one such book, I believe it was Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Mama, where some of my crazy pregnancy anxieties began. Now, in general this book, along with all the others I bought that day, was insightful; and gave some good advice. But it also introduced me to a host of things that I should avoid that I had never really thought about before. And it sent me into a bit of a tizzy.

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