4 Beauty Products I've Been Loving

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When I first became pregnant with Maddie I remember heading to the bookstore and stocking up on all the pregnancy books.

It was in one such book, I believe it was Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Mama, where some of my crazy pregnancy anxieties began. Now, in general this book, along with all the others I bought that day, was insightful; and gave some good advice. But it also introduced me to a host of things that I should avoid that I had never really thought about before. And it sent me into a bit of a tizzy.

Some suggestions were extreme- I remember she suggested unplugging routers at night to avoid WiFi exposure; I only toiled with this one for a few hours before deciding to stay plugged in- but others were pretty grounded.

It was here, in this book, where I first laid eyes on the terms phlalate and paraban. And while I was- and still am- pretty unclear as to what exactly they were, I knew I wanted nothing to do with them. And I became obsessed with making sure my products were free of them and any other toxic chemicals. I then spent the better part of my pregnancy trying to find pregnancy-safe beauty products that were free of these, and other toxins.

But the problem was, for me- that there wasn’t that much information or inventory out there in terms of “clean beauty.” I would scour ingredients before becoming entirely frustrated and giving up all together. And the products I did find? They just didn’t do it for me- they just didn’t feel as rich or luxurious as the products I had loved pre-pregnancy.

But thankfully, over the past few years, there’s been such a focus on, and influx, of non-toxic, cruelty-free beauty products- with so many cleaner options available, without sacrificing quality. And even better- so many of these products clearly state what they are and are not on their labels.

When not pregnant, I try to stick with these cleaner options- Drunken Elephant has been my go-to for the past year or so- so I didn’t have to switch too many of my products up when I found out we were expecting. But I did make a few tweaks. And had to grab a few to meet the needs of my now pregnant skin.

Here are four products I’ve been loving lately:

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The Deodorant

Serendipitously, I actually made the switch to Agent Nateur’s vegan holi{stick} sensitive deodorant the month before we found out I was pregnant. I had been wanting to try a non-toxic deodorant for some time, and I came across this one while perusing the shop at Inner Light before an infrared session. I always love the holistic goodies that owner, Kelly, stocks the shelves with, so I thought I’d give this one I try. It works as well as my former brand did, but without the stress of what chemicals could be lurking inside.

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The Sleeping Mask

The combination of winter weather and pregnancy hormones left my lips dryer than ever the past few months. I had heard rave reviews about this Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask but still hadn’t gotten around to trying it myself. When I found out it was free of both phlalates and parabans I picked up a jar for myself, and I’ve been hooked ever since.

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The Belly Oil

My love affair with all things Hatch started when I was pregnant with Madeline. I lived in their basics for most of that pregnancy; and I continue to do so this time around. They launched their beauty line somewhere between Maddie’s arrival and baby number two, and I’m so happy I get to indulge in all they have to offer. I am obsessed with their Hatch Belly Oil. It goes on like silk, without leaving any oily residue; and its free of parabens, phthalates, dyes, and fragrance. I use it daily on the bump, and add a drop or two to the arms and legs for good measure.

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The Dry Shampoo

I never used dry shampoo until I became a mom. And then I became addicted. So when I reached for my go-to dry shampoo spray after finding out I was pregnant a few weeks ago, I knew I had to find a cleaner option for the next nine months. I had read up a little on the risks of aerosol sprays my first pregnancy, and it was scary enough for me to ditch hairspray all together that time around. And while I haven’t had any recent urges to use any hair spray, I just couldn’t go cold turkey on my dry shampoo. This organic, non toxic option from Primally Pure solved all my dirty-haired problems- their Texturizing Dry Shampoo is 100% natural, works like a charm and smells so so good.

As always, consult your doctor or healthcare provider and ask what products they recommend when pregnant before use.


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photos by Julia Dags