Posts tagged beauty
4 Beauty Products I've Been Loving

When I first became pregnant with Maddie I remember heading to the bookstore and stocking up on all the pregnancy books.

It was in one such book, I believe it was Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Mama, where some of my crazy pregnancy anxieties began. Now, in general this book, along with all the others I bought that day, was insightful; and gave some good advice. But it also introduced me to a host of things that I should avoid that I had never really thought about before. And it sent me into a bit of a tizzy.

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Winter Rx

Truth be told, I have fairly problematic skin. It's prone to dryness and redness, and its something I have to be super mindful of all year round- particularly considering the extreme temperatures we experience here in Connecticut.

Achieving that perfect glow is something I've always struggled with; but recently I've re-committed to paying more attention to my skin- oh, hey, 33rd birthday. Because no one is getting any younger around here.

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