Life Lately

Lilies and Lambs

Friday marks week 27 for this here bump, and I can’t believe the third trimester is just around the corner. It really is crazy how much quicker my pregnancy is going, this time around. So much faster, but still THIRTEEN weeks left to go. Making a tiny human really does take forever, and its really ten months not nine, people; but I know its all worth it in the end. And even though my due date isn’t for three more months, if its anything like the past few, I know it’ll go by in the blink of an eye- especially now that school’s out and summer vacation is officially here.

We’ve been going nonstop lately over here, and as a result I’ve been a bit quiet over here in this space. So here are a few updates on our life lately:

Bump: Aside from a minor scare this past weekend, this pregnancy has been going pretty smoothly- certainly in comparison to my pregnancy with MM. My first pregnancy was somewhat difficult physically, and was an absolutely beast mentally. My placenta was anterior- meaning it was in the front rather than back, where it typically lies. As a result, I never felt Maddie moving. Ever. I can’t count the number of nights I would end up in L&D hooked up to monitors to make sure she was moving around in there. And the anxiety that ensued as a result was a lot to handle. This time around, my placenta is posterior, and I can feel her moving and shaking daily; which is not only a great relief, but also so enjoyable, and something I’m a little sad I missed out on during my first pregnancy. And while I can’t say that my pregnancy anxiety is completely gone this time around- it has, and will likely continue to, pop up from time to time- I’ve done a much better job at quieting negative thoughts and focusing on the positive this time around.

Nursery: Last week we officially started to assemble the nursery, and I’m already so in love. If you missed it, you can catch a glimpse here on Instagram. We’re using so much of what we had in MM’s nursery, but its taken on an entirely different vibe by adding a few boho touches here and there, and I can’t wait to share it with you when it all comes together.

Reads: Its been a slow start in terms of reading this year, but I just finished my third book of 2019. Bad, I know, but we’ve been a bit busy. I just finished Tell Me Lies by Carola Lovering and I LOVED it. Its an easy, summer read; but so juicy and addictive. If you’re looking for a beach read, I highly recommend

Trips: Last month I spent more time traveling than I did at home. It was a lot, but so worth it. In early May, Phil and I took a few days to ourselves and ventured down to Miami for a little Babymoon. We never took one when we were pregnant with MM, and I think we both regretted it in hindsight; so we wanted to spend a few days just us before life gets a bit crazy over here. We stayed at the Four Seasons Surfside for two nights, and it was perfect. It’s in a quieter part of Miami, which was just what we wanted. We got to sleep in, lounge by the pool, and eat delicious meals on property before heading back home to celebrate Mother’s Day in Connecticut. I then headed back down to Florida, to Orlando, to take MM to Disney for a few days with her Nana and GG {Great Grandma}. It was another short trip, that was super fun; although I’m not sure I’ll do Disney without dad again for a while. We then spent MDW in beautiful Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara will forever be one of my favorite places to visit-there’s so much to see and do and so much amazing food and wine; it really can’t be beat. You can find some of favorite SB spots here, and be sure to check back Friday for my guide to 48 Hours in Santa Barbara.

Plans: This month we’ll take our last trip as a family of three before settling in at home in Connecticut until the babe is born. We’re heading to Nantucket for a few, beautiful days- and we can’t wait to explore the island and visit some of our favorite spots. Then next week our girl turns FOUR. I can’t believe it. She’s not a baby anymore, that’s for sure; but I’m so proud of the little girl she’s become. We’ll have a few celebrations for her in the upcoming weeks, and then we’ll be celebrating Phil’s birthday a few days early at the end of June. Every year we have a backyard “boil” of some sort. The first was five years ago, and was an authentic crawfish boil complete with crawdads shipped in from Louisiana. The last few years were variations of lobster boils, but the Birthday Boy has requested another Crawfish Boil to celebrate his big day this year, so Louisiana Crawfish it will be. I’ve been having fun planning and designing all sorts of boil-swag; although you’ll likely find me eating more hotdogs than crawdads on the actual day.

Hope ya’ll are having a great start to the summer!

Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs
Lilies and Lambs